Laser Engraving Machine

The model of the Laser Engraving Machine located in (Ampatiellou 11, 11144, Athens) is HQ-3020B. It is capable of cutting, engraving, and marking a number of different materials quickly and accurately when driven from CAD software such as CorelDraw and Inkscape.

How to use it:


> Inkscape [1]

> K40 Whisperer [2]

To create your file:

> Open Incscape

> Draw your design with lines

> Make colors in RGB (RED to engrave, BLUE to cut)

> Select correct Document Properties:

- UNITS must be all in MM.

- RESIZE page to content

> Save as .svg file.

To cut your file:

> Connect computer and machine with USB cable

> Switch on the machine:

- Switch power on

- Switch light on

In K40 Whisperer:

( > Open K40 Whisperer )

> Initialize laser-cutter

> Open design file

> Adjust starting point and speed in K40 Whisperer

On the machine:

> Place your material inside (it must be no bigger than A4)

> Adjust power on machine

> First engrave (BLUE) and then (CUT)

> Switch off machine

> Clean up gently with vacuum cleaner

This text contains information copied or inspired from .