

In order to maintain and expand our core infrastructure we have a team of dedicated hackers for these operations. This includes infrastructure that is important for the operation of and the achievement of its scope. This team is also responsible for privacy and security properties of our core services.



Internal infra includes services that run in the space (WAN, LAN, DMZ, etc)


This includes services that run on the cloud.

3rd Party

Report Issues

If you see something say something. For bugs and issues you can send an email to this address:


  • The Infra team is currently composed by drid, comzeradd, ebal, sotiri.
  • We use GitLab to keep track of our work.
  • You can of course find us at the hackerspace almost every day, and definitely every Tuesday.
  • Most of us are always online at Hackerspace's Matrix/IRC channel: #hsgr.
  • For urgent things you can email us at infra@
  • For not urgent things see the "Report Issues" section above.