Spontaneous hackathon #0

Starts Organizer
Wed 03 Jul 2013 18:30
Ends Event Owner
Thu 04 Jul 2013 1:00 User:skmp,User:acinonyx

Let's hack something !

Mini hackathlon!


Half hour idea pitch, three hours hacking session, and after that, chat/beer time !

During the pitch, we'll pick some projects to work on as teams (so, you can add multiple entries and depending on the interest we'll see on which we'll work)


  • hackotper (todo: alternate devboard evaluation, overall architecture, beablebone pwm & alternative distros) / hackopter team! / embedded linux + elecronics
  • Casio MT70 retrofit (todo: see how exactly the amp board works, cleanup keys, arduino interface them to pc) / skmp / electronics + arduino
  • numbers (http://numbers.ertops.com, todo: error handling, improve TTS, http://www.colourlovers.com/, ?) / skmp / js + html5 media + apis
  • (Feel free to add your sugestions, the projects have to be open source though. Completing a project you're working on, a new idea, or a step in a larger project are all valid entries!)